Programmatic Activities
Community Violence Reduction (CVR)
The Community Violence Reduction Programme (CVR) of MINUJUSTH implements a bottom-up community-based approach, focusing on initiatives that contribute to strengthen rule of law, support the Haitian National Police (HNP) and promote the respect of human rights.
In carrying out its projects the MINUJUSTH CVR team will be guided by four principles to ensure that projects are rooted in local needs and guided by community input:
- Projects contribute to violence reduction through initiatives that improve security and stabilize the environment by engaging youth-at-risk in fragile communities;
- Community actors and leaders are engaged in the design and development of projects through tools such as a needs-mapping and/or dialogue;
- One in four projects engage a local implementing partner, such as a community-based organization or NGO;
- Government entities or UN agencies funds and programmes are closely involved in either the design or implementation of projects, as part of an overall strategy towards a responsible progressive transition to the Government and other development actors.
For 2017/18, MINUJUSTH will develop and implement 58 projects under three categories:
- Security and stability –including short-term employment and income-generation for youth-at-risk, and support to the HNP on community policing.
- Political and rule of law - supporting five legal aid centres in Port-au-Prince and Les Cayes, prisoner reinsertion, and training of judicial actors including on procedures for receiving victims of sexual and gender-based violence.
- To reinforce respect for human rights, MINUJUSTH will partner with a local “watch dog” NGO to support monitoring, promotion and protection of human rights in critical areas.
Quick impact projects (QIPs)
Quick impact projects (QIPs) are a key tool at the service of the MINUJUSTH mobile teams, which integrate the human rights, political and rule of law objectives of the mission, and which will regularly deploy to the nine regions outside Port-au-Prince.
In 2017-2018, MINUJUSTH plans to carry out 30 QIPs to support infrastructure and equipment needs of the justice and security institutions, such as local police and court facilities, in the nine departments, and in Port-au-Prince. By improving infrastructure at the local level, Haitian police and judicial institutions are better placed operationally and institutionally to more effectively exercise their authority.

From March 13th to April 24th 2019, 30 young people from underprivileged areas followed a training in electronic repair at the Sûrtab Académie in Haiti. © Leonora Baumann / UN / MINUJUSTH, 2019

Georgeline Jean, 34, is a psychologist and social worker with AVSI Foundation. Her mission? Target youth aged 15 to 24 to participate in vocational training and income-generating activities.
© David Nieto / UN / MINUJUSTH, 2018